Monday, June 10, 2013

It Has Been A While

So a lot has happened as it has been a month since I last posted.  Sadly I haven't taken many pictures, and a few videos which seem to be impossible to upload.  *cries*  They are so adorable.  First, one of my afternoon kindergarteners, Hillary, is really good at whistling.  That is surprising in itself as most kids her age can't whistle at all and she can whistle songs well.  So I started whistling with her and suddenly she was trying to out whistle me.  It was really cute, especially since she kept getting more and more frustrated at the fast that I could whistle as well as she could.  Of course, I learned to whistle a lot later than she did, so I have to say it was quite impressive.

Next we had the Song Contest.  My class was really quiet in the beginning and trying to get them to dance was very difficult.  We were singing My Will by the Beatles.  My class did fairly well and though they were a little quiet sometimes, everyone could hear them and they did most of the dance moves.  We didn't win, but I was proud of them.  They are now excited about learning the song A Girl Worth Fighting For from Mulan.  Britney really likes the phrase 'lady killer.'  It is really amusing to watch them try to sing the song but I hope they learn it well in time for the next Song Contest as they are working very hard.  But it is a very long song and a lot of lines to remember so we will see what happens.

Hmm, what else has happened....  Right around Mother's Day, I became an aunt as my best friend, Brandy, had a little girl.  I spend a fortune on flowers to send to my mom, my dad who is in the hospital, and my best friend all in one week.  But it was totally worth it as everyone really seemed to like the flowers I gave them.  There was also a Street Fair that Megan and I ran into on one of our walks.  It had a lot of food vendors and some random sellers.  There was also a moon bounce and pirate ship for the kids.  It was the first time I ran into one of my students while away from school.  I think I ran into 3 different students.  The fair lasted two days but sadly the food was a disappointment.  I think it was around that time when I noticed a giant spider on the road and shreaked.  At least Megan didn't make fun of me .... I need to get over this fear of spiders ....

There was also this orange cat hanging around who was very friendly.  I gave him some chicken but when I tried to get it indoors it wasn't happy.  But that is okay as I always give him affection when I see him around.  Very friendly cat.  Also very dirty ....  I quit yoga due to the intensity and heat now that summer has started.  Also, it was kind of leaving bruises on my back that I didn't like, but at least I gave it a try.  Got a few new students which always makes things interesting.

Teacher's Day was interesting as a lot of students came in with presents for their teachers.  I was surprised by some of the things I got, though what surprised me the most was a bottle of white mascato.  As most of you know, I don't normally drink but white wines, especially mascatos I normally like.  I found it very ironic that the mother picked the one wine I happened to like, especially considering how picky I am. 

We had a birthday party for Amy and Clara, though none of the parents came.  After that was my second Open Class, this time with my new kindergarten.  I had thought it had gone bad because my students were nearly out of control in their excitement and I couldn't keep them on task.  But it seems the parents were really happy about it as their kids were excited to be in class and most of them were talking quite a bit which showed that they were learning English.  I'm just happy that everyone else was happy about it .... and for the fact that it is over.  ^.^

Picture Stolen From Chris

Otherwise, I had a LOTR marathon which was really amusing because literally the day after I watched the first extended movie, Chris and I went on a walk to go get burgers and I noticed this skating park.  It caught my attention because I haven't really seen many of them before, excpet in movies and when I looked out of the corner of my eye, one of the graffiti messages caught my eye.  It was an exact quote from the movie I had watched the night before in English.  "A wizard is never late.  Nor is he early.  He arrives precisely when he means to."  I really amused me.  We also saw some neat murals underneath on of the bridges.  Thankfully, Chris was nice enough to take some pictures for me.

Picture Stolen From Chris

Another amusing little story is that one of my afternoon kindergarteners, Sunwoo, brought in a musical top that lights up as it spins.  It also plays the very popular song Gangnam Style.  Which of course made my class start dancing.  I took a video of it, but John decided to be shy once the camera was out.  :(  Anyway, I tried to upload it but videos don't seem to like to be uploaded on my computer. 

Last news is probably that I am planning on going to Japan to see some of the areas I did not visit during my last trip.  I will be going with my friend, Megan, and I am super excited.  ^.^  I'm sure I am forgetting some things as it has been over a month since I last posted a blog.  So, hopefully I hit most of the fun or key details.

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