Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Getting Out More .... Maybe ... and a Field Trip

It has been a while .... I keep forgetting to write this.  So I apologize for the lack of detail in this blog entry as I try to remember what has happened before my vacation started.  ^.^  So though I haven't done much adventuring, I have gone out more lately.  Though first I should mention that sadly my Japan trip was cancelled because not enough people signed up.  *Cries*  I also realized one day that a lot of my students live nearby.  I keep running into some of them while walking to the grocery store.  Anyway, what have I been doing lately and what interesting things have happened ....

I was walking home one day from work.  There were a lot of cars that day so I decided to take the tunnel route.  I was by myself as I tend to get off a little later than the others due to making phone calls.  So anyway, I enter the tunnel and it is its normal misty cold self.  Nice during the summer heat.  But, as I was walking, I realized I could hear a flute playing and it was really eerie music, too.  Now I watch a lot of anime and play a lot of video games, and when you are alone and suddenly hear eerie music that means you are about to die.  Of course, that isn't going to happen in real life but it was an amusing thought that came to mind as I searched for the source of the sound.  At the top of the stairs, on the other side of the tunnel was a Korean girl practicing.  She stopped and disappeared as soon as she saw me and I haven't heard the flute again sadly.  It was definitely an interesting experience. 

I also went to an amazing orchestra concert at Megan's church along with some of Megan's friends.  This church has a lot of foreigners because it is an English speaking church and Koreans as well.  The concert was held to raise money for the kids who were going on missions in different countries, though I don't remember which countries.  The orchestra was amazing and played not only religious pieces but also music from popular musicals such as Phantom of the Opera (which seems to be popular here in Korea as this is not the first time I have heard Phantom of the Opera at an orchestra concert in Korea).  Also, they had some special guests, a trumpet soloist and a lady who wore traditional Korean clothing (the Hanbuk).  The lady was playing a traditional Korean instrument that was long and had strings and looked like it had a mini drum at the bottom of it.  (I may be misremembering as I sadly did not get a picture as I did not want to cause any flashes or noise in the video they were recording.)  I do remember that I really enjoyed the unique sound that came from this traditional Korean instrument. 

Afterwards, we went next door at an art exhibit and saw some really interesting art.  The one that sticks out the most was the group of artwork that was made up of ripped up paper, glued into flowers, and painted.  This artwork stuck out because it looked so real but on closer inspection, it was ripped up construction paper.  Also, before the concert I went shopping with Megan.  It was really funny because Megan realized I seem to have a thing for black clothing.  While looking at shirts, I was picking up all the black ones and now Megan insists that I try to add some color into my wardrobe.  This was also the first time since coming to Korea that I bought clothing.  Since then I have bought a few dresses (O.O yes, I actually bought dresses). 
One day, I went to dinner with some of my coworkers and went shopping with them.  Normally I just go home and cook dinner but for once I went out.  What made this day memorable was Grace.  They went to a beauty store and were looking at various things and some nail polish caught my eye.  Now most of you know that I am not really the girly type but you could say nail polish is my weakness.  Grace sees me getting nail polish and says "If Jessica is getting something, I have to get something."  This made my day and definitely made me laugh.  I know that I have a fairly unfeminine outlook as I don't wear makeup and I don't dress up much but I didn't realize just how unfeminine I seem to others.  It always surprises me when I dress nicely and everyone is like, "Oh you look so nice.  Why don't you dress up more?"  Why do looks really matter anyway is my thought but that is one thing I will never understand.  I dress for comfortable and how I want and though I will follow whatever dress code my work gives me, I always feel that it is just too much effort most of the time to dress up.  Now cosplaying is another thing .... ^.^  That is worth the effort.  Hehehe.  Now is only I actually had the occasion to cosplay.  *Sniffle*  I want to go to Otakon.  T.T

Hmm, what else has happened....?  I ran into some of my students while shopping at Lotte Marte.  It was funny because I was just packing up my groceries and I hear someone yell, "Jessica Teacher!"  Before I even had time to turn around, two little girls fly into me and are hanging on my legs.  It was Sally and her sister Cheny, who I don't teach.  Both girls were hugging my legs and my first thought is if you are here with me then where are your parents.  So I ask them and they point to the escalator where I can see their mom waving at me and smiling.  At least I knew their parents knew where they were which made me relieved.  So we chatted for a minute while their mom and dad had a chance to catch up to them.  It was a cute experience. 

So then there was the staff party.  We ate at TGIF and that was nice cause I was able to eat the food there without any problem.  And the browning with ice cream .... YUM... ^.^  Anyway, the staff party was nice.  What amused me was when they all decided to do shots.  Now, I don't drink very often but I decided why not try one so I told them and everyone got really excited.  Now why me trying one Jaeger Bomb is so exciting is beyond me but I guess it had something to do with me doing something that was not normal and coming out of my shell a bit.  Now don't get me wrong, I only had the one drink.  I'm not really a drinker.  But it was interesting learning how to drink a shot and it wasn't too bad.  I liked it, not my favorite drink, but tasted better than a lot of other drinks I've tried.  After that, I had more browning and ice cream ^.^ and then I left early with Megan and Sarah before the others got too drunk.

Then came the Fourth of July.  Ironically, Canada Day was that week too so it was an interesting week.  Sadly, I did not get any fireworks but that is okay.  So for the 4th, the American teachers decided to put name tags of their state on their shirts for the day which was fun and silly.  I drew fireworks on my student's weekly reports and had them make red, white, and blue headbands.  I made one too and wore it to some of my later classes which really amused my students.  Then I had them make a little video that said "Happy Independence Day, Jessica Teacher's Mom and Dad."  It was really cute.   I ended up not going out to dinner with my coworkers due to working late making phone calls for the first group that went and I was too tired by the time the second group went to eat.  Oh well, but I hear they had fun with sparklers.  ^.^  *Curses the need for sleep.*

So I had another joint birthday party.  This time it was for Mellisa and Daniel.  The joint birthday parties are nice because it takes up less class time.  Though we did end up with a lot of fruit and two birthday cakes.  So it could have probably been coordinated a little better.  But that is okay.  The fruit definitely got eaten. ^.^  Though it did take a long time to take pictures because of the late arrival of a few things meant we had to start over.  We also had a field trip to the Samsung Transportation Museum.  Though I am not normally a car person, I enjoyed it as I got to see some interesting things and the kids really liked it as well.  I think my favorite part of the museum was seeing the replica of the car from the Back to the Future movies and the fact that this museum had the original car from the old Herbie movies.  The Herbie car was really rusty and beat up but it was really cool to see.


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