Thursday, September 27, 2012

Cat Cafe & Chuseok

So, I finally have some interesting things to say ... well maybe just lots of pictures you may want to see.  Anyway, I'm rambling like always.  So, my co-worker invited me and Nathaniel to go to a Cat Cafe with her as she knew I loved cats ... like that is anything new.  So like Japan, Korea has Cat Cafes.  Surprisingly, I never went to one in Japan, more I didn't know where they were and who to go with.  So when the opportunity came to go with Chris, I was really excited.  I miss having kitties around to play with, and despite being allergic to them ... yes, sadly I am allergic to cats ... I was going to have the best time.  And it really was fun, allergies acted up a little, but that is okay.  Thank Nathaniel for the pictures and the videos.

 Hairless Kitty
He's My Favorite 

Nap time
Yes I Love Attention

So I saw a furless cat, who was just precious.  I forget all the cat names, though it might have been Charlie.  Either way, he was really shy and scared, but so cute.  And then the fluffly cats kept attacking this one adorable cat, who was hiding behind Chris' leg.  He was a sweety, and I wanted to take him home with me ... but alas I couldn't.  Either way, this Cafe was filled with cats.  For 8,000 (which is less than $8) you got a drink and got to play with the kitties as long as you wanted.  We got there early enough so we got the good window seats which the cats liked to sit by.  This one cat kept running on a treadmill.  Seemed like she wanted to stay fit, though her sibling really seemed to like attacking the other cats.  And Chris was partial to the Blue Russian who was quite a lover.  And here are some amusing videos or videos of me that Nathaniel took at the cafe.
It's Time To Start Running Because The Eye Cleaner Is Coming
First Kitty To Come To Me
This Kitty Loved The Attention
So, we had a small Chuseok, which is kind of like a Korean Thanksgiving, celebration.  From what my students told me (in broken English), it is a holiday where they honor their ancestors, and that I think they get money from their grandparents.  I'm not quite sure if I understood them correctly, but that is what I think they told me.  At least they were trying to use English, so I couldn't find fault with that.  Anyway, the Morning Kindergarteners all dressed up in their traditional Hakbok, and came to school like that.  They were so adorable!!! It is one of those things that I just want to try dressing up in.  Lol, I can be such a child sometimes.  Anyway, the kids all dressed up and looked all pretty.  We made Songpyeon, a kind of rice cake, in class.  Meena showed them how, as I obviously know nothing about it.  A bunch of the kids offered me some of theirs and I ate one.  It's basically compressed rice and beans.  I took lots of pictures.  The real Chuseok isn't until Sunday, and so we have a four day weekend, which will be a nice break.  Sadly though, because of what this holiday is, many things will be closed, so I may not get to go exploring this weekend and see new things.  Thank you, Meena, for taking the group picture for me.  Also, the parents gave me a lot of gifts for the holiday, so thank you parents!
Traditional Lineup
(Left to Right)
Top Row: Joseph (New Student), Sohee, Winston, Sally, Anthony
Wendy, Serry, Amy, Kate
Making Songpyeon (Rice Cakes) With Meena Teacher

Group Picture With Jessica Teacher
Left to Right
Back Row: Wendy, Jessica Teacher, Kate, Serry (Laying Down)
2nd Row From Back: Anthony, Sally
2nd Row From Front: Amy, Winston, Sohee
Front: Joseph

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