Saturday, February 22, 2014

Getting Busy in the New Year

So I haven't posted since I went home for Christmas but I've been busy with little things.  I don't think anything major has happened and the events I am about to mention are not in order.  I should remember to post more often .... ^.^  Let's see what I can remember.  So the Lunar New Year was coming up (end of January) and I wasn't doing much when Megan asked if I wanted to join her for a short trip to Yatap to buy some things off of a girl who was leaving Korea.  I didn't have any plans (like always) so I went with her only to run into a girl who both Chris and Megan say could be my twin personality wise.  For those of you who know me, I'm not exactly interested in what most people my age are interested in and it was great to find someone who had the same interests as me.  Her name is Anna and we have hung out a lot since. 

Before Lunar New Year, I met up with a Korean guy named Yong Jun who I had been talking to before on Kakao Talk after getting his contact information on Tinder though I didn't keep the Tinder application for long once I realized it was primarily a casual dating site.  It was the first time I met someone via the internet and I was a bit nervous about that but it turned out alright and I made sure to stay in public places.  Besides, it's a nice way to meet new people and it was better than staying in all the time.  We talked for a good long while after lunch and he was friendly enough.  He knew a lot about a lot of different topics so we didn't run out of things to talk about.

Anyway, Lunar New Year came so we had a four day weekend.  The kids wore their awesome Hanbuk and said Happy New Year to the teachers in English and Korea and of course bowed.  I love the bowing .... it is just so adorable.  Over Lunar New Year, Chris, Anna, and I went to the cat café that has my favorite cat in it.  It will be the most memorable and worst trip to the cat café I have ever had.  Right off the bat, one of the cats peed on my jacket.  Then because of the smell, two other cats came and peed on it, including my favorite cat. T.T The employees only noticed it the one time.  Let's just say I don't have a strong desire to visit a cat café any time soon though that is okay because I also have my new cat, Bella.

A funny little side story about Lunar New Year.  I was buying groceries because I knew that most places would be closed for a day or two and ended up buying two much food.  Anyway, I was carrying like 5 or 6 bags (I usually only buy three bags worth and one of those bags are my backpack) and could barely carry everything.  The Koreans were very helpful though, one took the coin out of my cart for me.  Another took some of my stuff on the bus and this older man would have carried my stuff home for me if we hadn't been going in opposite directions.  It just surprises me how nice some people are and I really wish more people were like that. 

After that, Anna introduced me to table top.  Table top is basically a game where you do missions to get money and karma (at least the version we are playing) and try to survive.  You use dice to see if you succeed in your ventures or fail.  It's basically dungeons and dragons if you have ever played that but we play a different story line called Shadowrun where we are hired but major companies that rule the world to do different missions.  Mostly, the idea is to complete the mission and get out though we end up having a lot of explosive fights along the way.  My character is a beast shaman with a wolf named Rhian and I can summon animal spirits and fight with magic.  Though my favorite spell is Chaotic World because it confuses the enemy which means they use less dice.  It's a lot of fun and I now do it every Sunday until the end of April when Adam, the game master, leaves Korea.  Kyle, Tony, Greg, and Anna play with us and we even had Kyle's brother join us for a few games.  Anna writes up her version of the story later.  Check out Anna's story here.


Right now at work we are getting very busy with preparing for graduation.  I am attempting to teach Nathan's and my classes an umbrella dance that Joanne made for Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head.  It's cute but the kids can't focus long enough to do it right and its complicated because the boys and girls do different things.  I have trouble remembering it all so I can only imagine how hard it is for them.  We will get new classes soon, which I hope to find out more about next week as I don't know what classes I have yet.  Though I do know I will be losing my literature class. T.T  I love that class.  Anyway, it is definitely going to be a busy few weeks with graduation, a few birthdays (including mine), and new classes starting. 

Last, and the most exciting news so far, is that I finally got my cat Bella.  She is currently sleeping on my bed and is definitely a cuddle kitty.  She likes to sneak under the covers or sleep on my clothes.  Thankfully my allergies aren't acting up too badly.  I'm sure it will take her a few days to get used to living with me but she seems to have adjusted well so far.  She is eating and drinking, and using the litter box which are all good signs and I don't think she has gotten sick yet ... at least not that I have noticed.  Either way I have only had her one day and I can honestly say that I am enjoying having a cat again in the apartment, even if I do have to make a few adjustments to how I am at home like putting the toilet seat lid down or not closing the doors.

Also, I just want to mention how proud of my sister, Kat Dales, I am.  She is graduating college this year from McDaniel college and is getting ready for law school.  She is in the top 1% of all graduating college students in America this year and got excepted into the exclusive Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, a selective honor society that only selects the best of the best.  Past members of this society include 17 US presidents and 38 Supreme Court judges.  Congratulations Kate!  I'm so proud of you.

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