Saturday, November 9, 2013

Small Adventures

So though the Halloween Event is over ... we only seem to be getting busier as Graduation starts to loom around the corner.  As I have a 7-year old class, I will also be participating in graduation.  Progress reports are also due soon and there is so much I need to do.  I believe my parent meetings went well.  Sadly I am falling behind in my Korean class.  I have no motivation to study after work and I am recently busy on weekends with stuff I want or need to do.  Oh well.  At least I learned how to read the letters ... T.T

So first off, I want to say that some of my students participated in a national speech contest and placed.  Earlier I had fixed and recorded their speeches for them.  Thomas, from my 6th grade class, placed 4th in his competition, and Richard, from my 3rd grade class, placed third.  A bunch of other students from our school placed in this national competition and one or two even got first place in their divisions.  I am so proud of them.  They all work so hard.... well most of them.  I also have a very shy girl and though she didn't do the speech contest, she has been volunteering to read her essays in class.  It is a big improvement because before she wanted to volunteer but any time she did, she'd end up crying instead. 

So Michael's dad goes to Japan often.  His family has spent a lot of time in Japan and know that I have interests in Japan.  They were nice enough to send me a nice package of Japanese sweets which I shared with the other teachers and some of my students.  But the gift that I got recently that I will definitely always remember was Clara's. Clara, from my morning kindergarten class, went home and told her mom that Jessica Teacher was sick and had lost her voice. The next day she brought in medicine. Thinking the medicine was for her, I sent her to give it to the Korean teachers (they give the sick kids their medicine at lunch time). During my prep time, the Korean teachers got ahold of me and said the medicine was actually for me.  Her mom had sent me medicine and a wish that I remain healthy. It was one of those moments where it makes me glad to do what I do.  It is also something that would never happen if I worked at a school in America. 


Next we had Michael's birthday party (the last birthday party I will have until the new school year starts again).  Sadly a lot of students were out that day so there were only four of us, but that is okay.  It was fun and they enjoyed the food.  Also, this week we took the professional pictures for graduation and another group picture of all the teachers.  Sadly my hair would not be controlled on the first day so I only left my hair down for the second.  I wonder how the pictures turned out.  Guess I will see when the pictures come in and another huge wall scroll goes up.  T.T Hopefully I don't look too bad in these pictures because I happen to know they will likely be up all of the next school year and possibly on the buses again driving around town. O.O

Other than work and my Korean class, I went with Hayley and did a double feature at the movie theater.  We watched Gravity and Thor.  Now I have to say it is so nice to be able to watch English movies that I want to see.  Gravity was really intense and I think I spend half of the movie with tears rolling down my face .... I kid you not. T.T  I really enjoyed Thor as well (besides the fact that Thor is cute), though it was a bit different than I expected.  As the third in the series (I count Avengers as Thor 2) I expected it to be more series like the other two movies, but though it had serious undertones, a lot of it made me laugh.  I wouldn't be surprised to see another movie come out considering the way it ended (I won't say so I don't actually spoil it for anyone).  Other than that, I am looking forward to Hunger Games and Hobbit coming out in the next month or two.  I am also getting very excited for my special plans for Christmas.  Christmas Countdown

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