Saturday, October 12, 2013

Field Trip, International Fireworks Festival, Birthday Party, and Korean Classes

So, I have been quite busy the last few weeks as the title says.  First off, I am attempting to decorate my classroom for Halloween on top of everything else I have to do.  I decided to go with a scary cat theme for my classroom since I will be a black cat (if my costume arrives in time) or at least be wearing a cat suit (if my costume doesn't arrive in time) for the Halloween event that my school will be doing on October 25th.  I am excited as I love dressing up (*sniffle* I miss being able to cosplay and go to anime conventions).  Anyway, at school we are busy getting ready for Halloween and I will be doing face painting again this year. 

As we did around this time last year, we took the kindergarteners hiking at the Gwunggyo Mountains (not sure if I spelled that right).  My students were the leaders and boy did they seem to be in a hurry.  I had to keep telling them to slow down so that the other classes could keep up.  There was one point where even I started having trouble keeping up with them and even grabbing their hands just ended up with me getting dragged across this mountain.  They were really excited to see a caterpillar on the ground and a squirrel in the tree.  That may have been the first squirrel I have seen in Korea, which is odd considering I see them daily at home.  Granted .... we did use to feed them at my house.  Anyway, the kids had a lot of fun and we collected leaves for them to take home.  The hike was a good idea because our classes were also learning about how we can take care of the earth.  So a perfect tie-in with the class work.

Something cute that happened with my new boy in afternoon kindergarten happened when I was teaching first grade.  Louis (my new boy) kept peeking into my classroom as I taught first grade so when they were copying stuff down off the board, I went to see what he needed.  So I go down to his level and he leans in to whisper in my ear.  "Teacher.  I don't know which classroom."  He was confused because he is usually the last to arrive in my afternoon kindergarten and there were kids he didn't know in each of the classrooms because first grade hadn't ended yet.  It was so cute, and it was hard not to laugh until I got him where he needed to be.  So I whispered back to him, "Don't worry.  It's classroom 3, but it's not time for class yet."  And then led him back to the front area where he could wait until it was time for class.  Then I promised to keep it a secret from the other afternoon kindergarteners.  ^.^ It was adorable.

Anyway, back on things I did in the last two weeks or so.  I went to the International Fireworks Festival in Yeouido (I think this is the place) where I met up with Kyle and Matsuko from the recent Japan trip (Matsuko actually spent the weekend at my place) and Chris and Ashley.  It was like a Japan reunion plus Chris.  Anyway, it was really crowded and it took a while to find Chris and Ashley because all the phones had horrible reception so even when we finally got ahold of Chris, we lost her before she could find us.  The train stations were packed like I have never seen them before, even in Japan.  They estimated that 1 million people went to that event.  It made the PSY concert I went to a while back look tiny. 

Anyway, Canada, Japan, France, and South Korea performed amazing firework shows.  I just wish I had a better camera to take pictures with.  Oh well.  My favorite was Japan because of the animals and this waterfall like firework.  But Korea setting the bridge off with fireworks (the entire bridge had fireworks lit and dripping into the river) was pretty cool too.  The only reason I didn't like France more and Korea wasn't my favorite is that they had a lot of low water fireworks that we couldn't really see from where we were sitting.  Canada was my least favorite, mostly due to a lack of color in the fireworks and there was no wind at that time so there was a solid smoke barrier in which the fireworks were being displayed in.  Since it was so crowded, we stayed and played Never Have I Ever until some of the crowd cleared out.  We ended up literally catching two last trains and the last bus to get home but we did make it without having to walk or take a taxi home.  Barely.  But it was a really fun night regardless and I hope we can all do it again sometime.

Hmm, the last big thing that I can remember doing is starting a Korean class on Sundays.  Though I've only gone to one class (my second class is tomorrow) I seem to like it.  The main part I don't like is it means more work as I have to study.  I HATE studying T.T and I tend to fall asleep when studying.  Plus it means that the little bit of free time that I do have is being cut down again as I do bring work home with me to do most weekends.  Oh well, I figure I've been in Korea a year now, so I should start learning the language.  Besides, I love being able to speak Japanese and understand people, so I bet I will enjoy being in Korea much more once I learn Korean.  Plus, from what I understand, Korean grammar and Japanese grammar are very similar so that should help.  But at the same time, I have a feeling that I will be mixing them up as well.  T.T  Oh well.  I like to learn so I might as well enjoy it as much as I can and take the most out of it.


One more school thing that happened was that Britney and June had their birthday party this week.  There was a lot of fruit and the kids enjoyed it.  If June told me right (he sounded a bit confused when he told me so I'm not sure) his actual birthday is on Halloween which I find to be cool.  ^.^ I love Halloween.  Look forward to pictures from the Halloween event in the upcoming weeks.  Also, the weather is cooling down and soon it will be cold. T.T Why can't it just stay this temperature forever?

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