Friday, March 1, 2013

23rd Birthday & Last Week Before New Classes

I apologize in advance, but this post will not have many pictures.  So, since Megan couldn't make my birthday brunch, we decided to drag Nathaniel around Myungdong and I got to explore a bit.  It was a lot of fun, though still a bit cold for walking around.  We went to a PuriKura machine which took your pictures with various K-Pop Star backgrounds.  I didn't recognize any of them, but Megan knew who all of them were.  Either way it was a lot of fun and we made them look really silly.  And yes Megan ... they are stickers ^.^ hehehe.  Then we went exploring again and she showed me Artbox which has a lot of different cute art supplies and items.  I could spend a fortune in there if I'm not careful (it is also where Megan bought me some really cute birthday presents ... Thank you again Megan!)  After that, I bought cotten candy on the street ... yay!  Sugar!  Then we went to lunch at a very expensive American buffet with a friend of Megan's.  But considering wine was on tap ... I guess it has a reason to be expensive.  After that I went home Nathaniel and Megan went to her K-Pop concert where I'm told she had a lot of fun.

Sunday, a bunch of the female co-workers went to Jeonja to have a breakfast brunch with me near Heather's place (which is really nice by the way).  It was called Butterfingers and was an American breakfast diner/waffle house type of place.  I wasn't very impressed with the food, but it was a nice change from always cooking.  We had to wait a while, and they even took our orders before we were seated and asked if it was okay to put us at a four person table (which was plenty big enough for all of us).  They were a little flustered because their English wasn't the best so were worried about communicating with us, but another customer helped them out.

Monday rolls around (my actual birthday and I have to say I feel weird on birthday now ... just like I remember that yeah I'm an adult) and it was pretty hectic.  Got Japanese candy from Ben (thank you thank you thank you ^.^) and found out that I am getting a real literature class in March.  It is a lot of work, but I am super excited.  My boss apologized a lot when she realized she forgot to buy me a cake, so I got that on Tuesday.  Was understandable since we were all really swamped, especially the Korean staff.  Met Nate, the new teacher, on Tuesday and he seems really friendly.  I'm looking forward to working with him.  David and Alex are officially done and leaving Korea.  I'm a little jealous of Alex who is visiting Japan with his family before returning home.  Graduation went well, though I didn't really have a part of it since my kindergartener's were not moving on to first grade yet.

We found out our new classes, and I've got a lot of hours and classes that need prep the next semester so I will be very busy.  But that means a little more money to go towards paying off those *not so small* student loans.  And my new classes look like they will be a lot of fun.  I am keeping my afternoon kindergarten and my third (though now fourth) graders.  Sarah will be teaching my old kindergarteners but I found out I will be their math teacher, so I still get to see them once a week.  I haven't told them yet, I wanted it to be a surprise.  ^.^  I will miss those two classes though, but I'm sure I'll like the new students I get too.  Many of my kindergarteners' moms gave me goodbye and thank you presents.  They were really nice, and one mom insisted on coming in and thanking me in person.  It was sweet.  Another mom had recently taken a trip to Japan  with her daughter and brought me back a Japanese snack and even wrote in a little Japanese (instead of just English) back to me.  I was really excited about that.  And I got a really nice butterfly hankerchief and some practical stuff.  Shared some things with the co-workers and it was just a nice way to end the semester.  Though we all are doing some spring cleaning it seems. 

Otherwise, I am trying to get rid of a large spot of mold.  I tried to buy bleach, but the worker didn't understand English, and I didn't understand Korean, so I think I just got regular laundry detergent.  Well, if it comes back, just means I will have to clean it again and have Nathaniel or someone else come with me to buy bleach.  And can always use the laundry detergent after I run out of the stuff I currently have.  Though I scrubbed pretty hard, the wall is still black.... and I'm afraid to do more and rip of the wallpaper. 

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