Sunday, November 18, 2012

Hiking, Open Class, and Cat Cafe

I've been quite busy lately but here are some highlights of the last few weeks.  Nathaniel invited me to go hiking with a few of his coworkers at the Ingwan Mountains.  His coworkers, Younghe and Dr. Hang were very nice and the Ingwan Mountains were very beautiful.  I didn't have to carry anything, because Nathaniel took anything I would need in his backpack which was nice, as I had never seriously gone hiking before.  It was hard, and we covered two small peaks during our hike.  My legs were trembling afterwards but despite my fear of heights, the view was worth it.  We went to get some really good fried chicken at Dr. Hang's suggestion afterwards.  There was some nice older art/architecture on the hike as well, which I really enjoyed.  I even found a lot of lava rocks.  We also stopping at a wishing rock and all made a wish.


Then there was my Open Class, which was basically a class that all the parents come and watch me teach their kids.  It was definately stressful preparing for it, and I have to say I am glad it is over, but it definately went well, though I am glad I wrote the schedule on the board as I may have forgotten at first due to nerves.  Mostly, I just pretended the parents weren't there and did my best to avoid any major mistakes.  Of course, the normally talkative students were quiet because their parents were there and a bit shy to raise their hands and answer like they normally would have.    We also had teacher pictures that week as the school prepared for the graduation of some of the kindergarteners.  Check out the awesome teachers I work with.
Just Foreign Teachers

Foreign & Korean Teachers
So to destress and relax a bit, I decided to go to the cat cafe with Chris again, and Nathaniel tagged along.  Not knowing what time Chris was coming, Nathaniel and I arrived 2.5 hours early so we had time to kill.  We went for a walk along the stream and found a lot of neat things during out walk.  We also found a dog park where we stayed and watched a lot of dogs playing around.  There was a black lab puppy who really liked Nathaniel and kept jumping the small fence trying to play escape artist.  Nathaniel caught the dog quite a few times and returned it to its owner.  It was very adorable.  We also had another dog try to jump all over us, and it was a fun way to kill time until Chris would get there.

Once at the Cat Cafe, Youngsim, the cat that Chris really likes, decided to make my jacket his bed, and then scared any of the other cats away.  He was mad at me, when I restrained him from attacking cats that passed by.  I made Chris deal with him when she arrived, allowing me to see the other cats.  The cafe was packed, and lots of people were handing out treats, so it took a while for the cats to come say hi, but my favorite cat, sadly I do not know its name, found his way onto the blanket that I brought and spent a good amount of time being adorable and sleeping on me.